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Welcome to our newest service










Stephanie D. Rolle, Master Coach brings more than 30 years of experience to the table for you! With an amazing track record of success in corporate, government, non-profit and faith-based organizations, she has a wide variety of skills that can move you to the winner's circle. Stephanie's calm, even approach brings insight to your goals and illuminate the path to manifesting your dreams. She knows how to get you un-stuck, bring clarity to your thought processing, help you craft your game plan and inspire you to take committed action to achieve what you once thought you could not. You came to the right place because every Champion needs a great coach. Call for a complimentary consultation today.

































































Call or email today for a complimentary consultation.

561-215-6775 -


Waterfall COACHING for the Extraordinary is...

What people are saying...


It was December 2005, that I met the extraordinary career coach and seasoned HR professional Stephanie Rolle. I was attending a pioneering leadership program for women that worked for the State of North Carolina. Coach Stephanie, as I call her, filled each session with motivation, energy, and inspiration. Her zeal for excellence was awe-inspiring. Coach created an environment that fostered not only professional growth, but more importantly personal growth. She left an indelible impression on my entire life. Although, she was contracted, it was evident that her time with us was viewed as a personal assignment to each of us individually. Each career/life she touched during that week, has soared to the executive suites within the walls of North Carolina State Government agencies, and the University of North Carolina System, which is where we were all employed at the time. Many of our twelve, have burst through those walls, and gained eagle status in the corporate world, as well as our own businesses and ministries. A rare treasure, is a life coach that knows the worth of prayer, preparation, and dedication to your God given gifts and your profession. This rare treasure is housed in the person of Stephanie Rolle. Encounter her and you encounter God sending you a gift from His heart to your path. With great appreciation and honor,


Kimbla “Kimberly” Gordon Eaton, Human Resources Director

North Carolina


Why Waterfall Coaching?


insightful wisdom, innovative technology

competent/compassionate, international and domestic success

culturally competenthigh impact thought processing

uncanny ability to motivate

clarify your "What" and your "Why"

harvest your gifts and talents

embrace your "What Next" and your "Why Not"



confidential coaching relationship

more than 30 years of 


why settle for average when extraordinary is within reach?

and the #1 Reason is        you're worth it!



see your future with clarity

map your strategy

inspirational interruption of doubt

every champion needs an extraordinary coach

conscientious professional

I met Ms. Stephanie Rolle approximately a year or so ago through a networking event. Never could I have imagined the impact she would have on my life. She has a talent and a gift for understanding her clients and customizing direct needs; while optimizing strategic focuses and demonstrating professional guidance at all times. Quite frankly, she simply amazes me. It feels like she ALWAYS knows the right thing to say and in perfect timing. Her industry knowledge and in depth desire to thoroughly research and understand her target audience (be it 1, 101 or 1,001) showcases her unique and intuitive ability to know how to succeed and accomplish goals. I consider myself privileged to have crossed her path. She has taught me so much in such a short period of time and what I have learned has literally been life-changing. I HIGHLY recommend her services to all professional (and personal) seekers who are trying to do and be better in life and in their careers. She is an elite role model and a stellar example of class and aptitude.

Milika Freeland

Director of Operations

Upper Marlboro, Maryland

I was trapped in a glass bubble looking out at the world.  I could see how it could be, I could see how others could live happy, fulfilling lives.  But I couldn't make it happen for myself. Stephanie’s encouragement, patience, wisdom and nurturing helped produce the world I saw on the inside flourish in the earth realm. Because of her, I was able to make my dreams become a reality. As I transform young ladies into model citizens and capture their hearts, I am so grateful she captured mine. Thank you, Stephanie, for helping shape my life in so many ways.


With Love,

Carol Grant, B.S, M.S. Educator & Founder

Priceless Pearls Girls Mentoring Program

West Palm Beach, Fl

Stephanie Rolle, was sent into my life at a time when my world was dark and filled with hurt and pain. God placed her into my life so that I could start living for him.


Ever since that moment occurred and started manifesting her love for God into my heart and soul by getting me to realize and have my own intimate relationship with my Heavenly Father then I truly started to live.


I am not perfect and everyday it takes work to continue on my journey but, I know Stephanie is always there for me with words of encouragement, listening ear or a powerful prayer. Stephanie, simply put has been Heaven Sent and everyday I thank God for her.....


-Roderick Redmon, Store Director-Canali

Curator of Rod Redmon Fine Custom Clothing



Life can throw curve balls and help you find yourself in uncharted territory. You know you can, you just need some support getting to that reality. You need a great coach!  


Are you in transition and need to find your way now that you have raised the children, made the first million, finalized the divorce, or survived the illness? You need a great coach!


You're retired or about to be? You have a burning desire to do more and be a bigger contribution to the world? You have always had it in you and now, you have conquered the fear and are ready to get it done...but you don't know where to start?  You need a great coach!


Welcome to Waterfall Coaching for the Extraordinary. YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE!



You have a great business, producing a great product or service but now its time to scale it up. You have no clue how to begin to think about how. You need a great coach!  



You have competent employees that need grooming, additional development, soft skills training or course correction to become the stellar performers and you see in them? You need a great coach!


Your company's reorganizing and needs to downsize. You care enough about your team to provide them with some updated distinctions to serve them well in the search for a new job. You need a great coach!


Welcome to Waterfall Coaching for the Extraordinary. YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE!



Just like any other well-run operation, your ministry must have passionate, well-trained people who are committed to the vision. Burn-out is real and commonly overlooked. A smart leader will notice and understand that.... You need a great coach!  


Serving others requires your staff/volunteers to have a full tank. Serving from fumes impacts the quality of the intended outcome of your mission. You need a great coach!


You're the leader of this amazing organization? You're carrying the full weight of its success? How long have you been pulling this load alone? You need a great coach!


Welcome to Waterfall Coaching for the Extraordinary. YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE!

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